Mindee Arnett

More Dear Teen Me Epic Pics

If you haven’t yet heard, my Dear Teen Me letter is up. This is just what it sounds, a letter addressed to my teenage self. But be warned; it’s quite a bit different from my usual lighthearted stuff, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. There are also a couple of “epic” pictures of me as a teen. In fact, I had so much fun digging through old photos I decided to display the rejects below. They are fairly amusing, at least to me. Anyway, check it out, have a laugh, and then head over to Dear Teen Me for the heavier stuff.

cv_short CV_longCivil War Reenacting is cool. End of Story.


Tall Boots are cool too. So are whips.

cheerMy cheerleading phase was short lived.

graduationCan you tell my happiness is genuine? I had a professor once tell me that education is one of the things in life that nobody else can ever take from you. He was right.



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  1. Lori M. Lee
    You get to wear poofy dresses. What's not to love?! :) I adore these. What a wonderful glimpse into Teen Mindee!
  2. ka.thy br.adey
    YAY, teen Mindee! You look a lot like Kristy Swanson (the orginal Buffy, the Vampire Slayer!)