Mindee Arnett

Book 2 Title Announcement!

That’s right! I’ve been given permission to announce the official title for the sequel to The Nightmare Affair.

This is my level of excitement over the reality that I get to do this book thing all over again:



Okay…you ready?????


Do you like it? There are soooooo many things I want to tell you about it, like how Dusty is confronted with a brand new mystery, this time surrounding a friend, and that Selene has a secret she won’t share even with Dusty, and how the romance between Eli and…opps. Better stop there.

But don’t fret—I’m certain more official details will be coming soon.

Filed under: Nightmare Affair, The Nightmare Dilemma
  1. So excited - especially about the romance part.
  2. So excited - especially about the romance part.
  3. Added to my Goodreads TBR list!!
  4. So exciting! I'm interested to learn more about Selene. And, of course, the romance - that's a given :)
  5. Tawney Bland
    I love it! I can't wait to see Dusty's next adventure. I just might sketch some more Magic Kind. You have created a monster and my sketches are everywhere. This is good because you imagination as inspired me to draw and paint again. I was stuck in a rut. So I can't wait for the sequel. So....when will it be? LOL