Okay people. This very well may be your last chance to win a physical ARC of The Nightmare Affair, assuming you care about that sort of thing, of course 🙂 I’m giving away TWO of them. The contest starts now and ends January 23 at midnight, open internationally.

I don’t know about you, but I’m a little unenthusiastic about holding another random generator type giveaway. To hell with luck. It’s so…so…random and generally unfair. So instead the winners of this contest will be determined by a panel of human judges. That’s right. Actual people. Me and two of my awesome critique partners Lori M. Lee and Cat York.
Now for the details.
STEP ONE: Interpret the term “Magickind” using a visual medium.
In case you didn’t already know, all the magical creatures in The Nightmare Affair are referred to as magickind; so nightmares, sirens, demons, fairies, werewolves, unicorns, you name it. Anything magical. This interpretation can be a drawing, a photograph, a sculpture, video, comic strip, anything that involves a visual medium. Be creative. Be entertaining. Show us something beautiful, amazing, scary, funny. I really want it to be a spotlight on YOU. Your creativity and personality. Show me what you got. This piece of art does not have to be new, either. If you drew an awesome picture in the 3rd grade that fits the theme, use it. Seriously, as long as the visual belongs to you, you’re good. No copy rights violations, please.
STEP 2: Post the art somewhere on the net.
Put is anywhere: your blog, Tmblr, Facebook, etc.
STEP 3: Mention The Nightmare Affair in the post.
Post a picture of the cover if you want. Or maybe a link to Goodreads–it’s up to you.
STEP 4: Leave a comment on my blog(s) that includes the link to your entry.
That’s it. Remember, there are TWO arcs available. And if there are a lot of entries, I’ll throw in a 3rd arc (my very last one). There will also be swag packs up for grabs as well.
Good luck!